DFLers in Senate District 26 united behind one candidate this evening in Owatonna. Now is the time to make sure that the news spreads and that people come out to vote! Below are the links to the stories in the SD26 community newspapers:
Faribault Daily News
Owatonna People's Press
Waseca County News
Jason's opponent seems to be aligning himself with Pawlenty and his policies and viewpoints. Assess the results of seven years of Pawlenty-style policies for yourself: the choice is clear. Engbrecht for Senate.
If you would like to contribute to help Jason qualify for public financing, please visit http://www.jason4senate.org and click on the "Contribute" link. Jason's campaign also needs to Get Out the Vote via phone banks and sub-zero door knocks and lit drops. The "Volunteer" link will help you tell the Engbrecht campaign you are interested in getting involved.
Let's make the SD 26 special election the first DFL victory of many in 2010!
Does anyone else find it interesting that Mike Parry's website has nothing under "issues" except the Republican party platform and that the "Media" section just contains a youtube video about Al Franken's temperment in office as reporte by an L.A. news agency? What office is Parry running for?